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A FRIEND OF MINE AS A PAIR OF direct HESSION VAN REETS WITH ORIGINAL PEDIGREES THE G, DAM OF THE COCK IS A SISTER TO G,DOWNINGS FAMOUS HESSION HEN, .. pigeon racing for it was in this year that Bert Hession and Dave Allen purchased the second round of youngsters from Staff van Reet,.Our best Van Reet cock was bred from a Dean Pallat x Dave Allen pairing, he simply never put a foot wrong, winning many top prizes including 11th Open SNFC.ABSOLUTE CREAM OF THE BERT HESSION STAF VAN REET FAMILY. Lot 14 : GB12A 10617 - WITPEN 17 - BLUE W/F COCK - PURE CLASS -.The family of pigeons that has brought about this phenomenal success is the ever popular Staf Van Reets originating from the Blackpool maestro Bert Hession.Dean Pallet Vs Tony Mardon Vs Bert Hession - Pigeonbasics.BERT HESSION VAN REETandS - Birds For Sale - Pigeonbasics ForumTribute to Bert Hession - Elimar Pigeon Services Limited
2008 Dutch Champions by Bert Oostlander Apr 15 09 Vol. 18 No 2 pg 56. Staf Van Reets of Bert Hession by Brian Newson. Feb 15 95 pg 20.These are a few Van Reets my son John has hatched out from the stock. Dam is from Bert Hession lines of Schone Blauwe, Fourgeres.The sire and dam of their arrival originates from Dean Pallat cross Bert Hession Playboy lines Van Reets. Even though this cock hasnt scored prior to this.Easy one that now that bert hession doesnt sell anymore, the best are now mark caudwell in my opinion. jas. Quote.. bred the hen off a cock which is a grandson of Dirk Van Dykes famous Kannibaal and a hen, one of Bert Hessions famous Staf van Reets.Adrian ware - Welsh South road news portalBILLY HIGGINS - CLEARANCE SALE - Pigeon CraicA select few Van Reet YBands for sale - juhD453gf
J the sick, Ac, two to Nashville; five to Van President— Samuel E. Staples of Worcester. CITY NATIONAL BANK Corner of Main and Pearl S;reets.GOLDEN EYE FROM ( CHAMPION GROTE TOM X DE 66 ), BRED BY STAF VAN REET, QUOTED AS THE. SHE ALSO HALF SISTER TO PLAYBOY, 9 X 1ST FOR BERT HESSION.The sire was off Derek Wilson and Bert Hession Van Reets; and the dam a Tony and Lee Painter de Meyer x Derek Wilson van Reet.i have just been on louellas website and they are selling van lints is. i think bert hession / dave allen were the 1st with the v reets.VAN D UZE R,. SI ME ON B. CHA PI N, . WI LLI A M R. WI LLCOX,. WI LLI A M M. KI NG SLE Y,. HE R BERT S. CARTER, . St reets and. A venue A.found this great rite up Our Van Reet Biography The year was 1990 and. or Bert Hession if i wanted Staf van reet pigeons or Staf himself.. HE IS A DIRECT SON THE NO1 STAF VAN REET BREEDER CHAMPION GROTE TOM. SHE ALSO HALF SISTER TO PLAYBOY, 9 X 1ST FOR BERT HESSION.Pole position was won by a cheq Jos Thorn x Soontjen/Van Loon hen. pied Staf Van Reet cock out of their Bert Hession x Avril Volz stock.2008 Dutch Champions by Bert Oostlander Apr 15 09 Vol. 18 No 2 pg 56. Staf Van Reets of Bert Hession by Brian Newson. Feb 15 95 pg 20.Added to these are Bert Hession Staf Van Reets plus some of Brian Sheppards International winning bloodlines crossed with birds originating.. partnership of Bartlett and Jones with a 2y blue cock Van Reet that was 1st. on the Ron Hillcoat Janssens and the Staff van Reets of Bert Hession,.HIS SIRE JOKER AN OUTSTANDING SON OF BERT HESSIONS ACE BREEDING HEN MADONNA HE IS SIRE and GSIRE OF WINNERS. HIS DAM, NATASHA, A VERY GOOD BREEDNG HEN.ST REETS,. COURT S,. AVENUES,. rr van Minnie wild Alexander h 1 2 Winth rop. R o bert lab “h o ff Forest r of Benjam in L Cutting.6624 C. G. Van Prooyen, Prince Snowde.n (R644), black and white, whelped. 64-66 Victoria St;reet, North Me~bourne. 9483, Miss Patty Hession.Who did you get your Van Reets off i like the mealys they are crackers. person Gaz b. Thu Jan 12, 2012 7:45 pm. by Gaz b. Bert Hession.HER SIRE A VAN REET X VANDENABEELE WON 3 X RED CARDS AND IS A DIRECT SON OF BERT HESSIONS DIKKE ADAM. THE DAM IS FROM THE LOFTS BEST VAN.Moving onto the present, the team is made up of Staf van Reets direct from Bert Hession and Adrain Ware. These have been blended into their.staf van reets where my best birds i had sum of the best direct from dean pallet and john bates of west midlands i had a mealy pied cock from bert hession.Miss Mary Hession left Monday for Brook lyn, N to visit friends. Bert Annis and Hattie Dunbar;. nia avenue aud on some of the cross st reets.HER DAM IS HOME BRED FROM BERT HESSION VAN REETS, SHE WAS 1ST CLUB 7TH FED KINGSDOWN AS A YB, THEN PUT TO STOCK. HER SIRE WAS BERTS “DIKKE.. the first a bwf hen from a Tony and Lee Painter x Staf van Reet. up is out of a van Reet cock from their original lines x Bert Hession;.Staff Van Reets. in my eyes you have to got to the right people to get the best, we did by going to bert hession some years ago. jas.the last three photos show, my staf van reet cock and his two dtrs. old original staf van reets hold their age well, bert hession had one.. Jonathan Valeros; Phillip Tran Van; Simon Van Haren; Marlise van Tonder. Kyle Walter Hesemeyer *; Jacob A. Hession-Kunz; Benjamin Micah Hillard.The Staf Van Reets originate from Bert Hession. Because his father kept pigeons, the sport has been part of James life since he was 11.He and Jane have lived at their present address to the north of Ipswich for six years now and a nice team of Bert Hession Staf Van Reets has.The sire and dam of their arrival originates from Dean Pallat cross Bert Hession Playboy lines Van Reets. Even though this cock hasnt scored prior to this.My own personal opinion is that the Hessions are the best although I have been told that the Mardons do well when crossed with other Van Reets.Dave downing in suffolk flies the van reets from dean pallat and has topped the fed by as much as 10 minutes. i think the van reets are all round good birds.“The fastest birds in the world” was the statement made by Piet DeWeerd. Why is this? The Van Reet pigeons are terrors up to 350 miles. The Van Reets race.CHAMP, A VANDENEABEELE X CATTRYSSE X VAN REET X. SOONTJEN. STAF VAN REET HEN FROM JOHN MUNNS; BERT HESSION AND. DEREK WILSON STOCK.Cacoosing : On tliAjArm gf Jacob Van Eeed, tenanted by (Trias S. Hornberger. T K st-reets are badly paved, and the ho in¬ built of undressed stone,.15reet. in order to follow the fall classic like everyone else. Allied Van Lines. Inc. of Handgt;39 Mountain avenue, Rrandgt;bert Stock in iho A /i IM 1)UIM.Derek then went north to Blackpool to buy pigeons from Bert Hession, these were “Staff Van Reets” he reminisces, “these birds would go on to.L-135 Fuller and Bar~le tt S~reets Ru~sel C. Vass. 1491-69 Indian Head Pa~k Hanover,Dradford,Skahan,Rogers,Hession. bert H. a family o.ffa.d?The family of pigeons that has brought about this phenomenal success is the ever popular Staf Van Reets originating from the Blackpool maestro Bert Hession.. days are based around Planet bros Van Loons and Janssens from Trehafods Graham Pearce, with the Van Reets blended into them, these from Bert Hession,.I have for sale 6 Direct Hession Staf Van Reets. I purchased these last year and they are all 2006. i never bred them it was our bert.The dozen or so Van Reets that we tested in recent years, from the best in the. World renowned fanciers such as Bert Hession, Dave Allen,.